Abstract Submission Guideline

  • Abstract Guideline


    The abstract helps potential readers evaluate your research quickly, allowing them to ascertain the

    purpose of your article or paper, the wider field it relates to, and the special significance and value

    of this particular piece of research. The abstract is therefore key to attracting readers and hopefully

    citations – and citations can greatly increase your credibility in your field.

    Where possible, avoid using the abstract as the first paragraph of the introduction. It has a different

    function from the introduction and should be structured differently. Moreover, readers will get

    bored of the repetition.


    How it should be structured


    Be concise. An abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.

    Be clear. Remember – some people will only read your abstract and nothing else, so it is important

    that it contains all of the relevant information for them to evaluate your research.

    For scientific articles, the abstract should include an introduction, methodology, research findings,

    the conclusions which can be drawn from these results, and why this research matters.


    It is important to select the right keywords for your article. They help to define your field of study, and the sub-field(s), topic(s), and specific issue(s) that are covered in the article. When choosing your keywords, be selective. You only have 3-6 keywords, so you need to make them count.

    Focus on the main topic(s) of your research and any unique identifiers – such as geography, methodological approach, scientific techniques, literary theory or specific chemical reaction.

    But remember – a keyword does not have to be a single word. You could have phrases such as ‘Upas Tree’, ‘inconsistent triad’ or ‘radioactive waste decay’. Avoid reusing the same keywords in the title and abstract – this is a chance to get extra words included to help your content appear in search engines (both online and library / archive).It can be helpful to perform a keyword search using your chosen terms before you submit your paper. Do other articles in your field appear? Is this the group in which you wish your research to be included? If not, you might want to consider adjusting some of your keywords.



    Full Article Guideline


    Manuscript Structure

    All manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to convey the content in clearly defined sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and/or Conclusions, References, Figures and Tables with Captions, and any Supplementary Material required.


    For information on each of these sections, see the Author Style Guide.


    Author Submission Checklist

    Full author names: First name(s), Surname(s)

    Author affiliations: department, institution, city, state, country

    Corresponding author: name, email address

    The abstract does not exceed 500 words

    3–6 keywords

    The manuscript contains all essential sections: Article Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Figure Captions, Tables.

    Ensure tables and figures are mentioned in the text, e.g ‘As shown in Fig. 4’

    Ensure figures are included in high resolution formats as separate files.

    Ensure the Copyright Permissions form downloadable here is read, signed and returned.

    All references mentioned in the references list should be mentioned in the text, and vice versa. For detailed guide to Reference formatting, see our Author Style Guide

    All necessary declarations (acknowledgments, conflict of interests, supporting grants, presentations) have been made

    All manuscript and supplementary material files have been uploaded.

    The preferred electronic format for text is Microsoft Word.




    Title of the paper should be in a maximum of 12 words.

    Casing: Title case and bold

    For title case, capitalise the first word of the title, the first word after a dash or colon in the title

    and all major words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and words of four letters or more)


    Graduates’ Perception of Instructional Methods for Emergency Medicine: Affecting Their SelfConfidence in Emergency Departments


    Author Details


    All authors of the manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the

    manuscript. The names should be in bold and separated by commas. The affiliations should be

    listed below the names (please use superscripted numerals where there is more than one




    Emily Paterson1, Frederick Anthony,2 and Emily Morgan2,3


    1 The University of Bristol

    2 The University of Exeter

    3 British Association of Romantic Studies


    The Corresponding Author should be indicated by an asterisk (*) for a paper with more than one

    author and separated with a comma from the affiliation superscript. Where possible the

    Corresponding Author should use their institutional email address not a personal one.



    Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is accurate. All references must be numbered sequentially and all references mentioned in the references list are cited in the text, and vice versa.Reference list complies with APA 7 requirements and contains complete inventory of references used in the full text. For more details, please visit HERE



    Use Times New Roman size 10.

    Paper should be in 1.5 spacing and margins at least 1 inch (2.54cm).

    Title page, abstract, references, appendices, content footnotes, tables and figures should be in separate pages (with only one table or figure per page)

    The figure captions should be on the same page as the figure.

    All pages should be numbered in sequences, starting with the title page.

    Full papers should be within 5000 words. The word limit does not include the abstract, reference list, figures or tables. Appendixes however are included in the word limit.

    You will need to submit your full paper through email : icgcs@conference.unand.ac.id